Saturday, February 16, 2013

Why we get fat? What surprised me and may shock you too

Many of you may have heard me complained about the fact that despite my diligent and consistent exercise and keeping a calorie journal i have not lost much weight in almost one month and half. My family would even as far as call me obsess with counting intake and expenditure calories however if the conventional wisdom is true that for every 3500 calories in deficit I should loose one pound of fat then I should have lost at least one pound per week or more so by now I should have lost 5-7 pounds and not just 1.8 pounds.

I always say lack of success doesn't mean lack of progress, because I do feel that I'm stronger and I can surely lift more weight, run faster and do more push up then I started so I'm happy with the progress. Also i have noticed that i enjoy exercise more and my skin is better as result of all the cardio, but I really want to know why I'm not loosing more weight, body fat and inches. According to my last thursday weight in i have lost 1% body fat from 32.7 to 31.8. mind you, this is after 7 weeks of hard labor. This curiosity really drives me crazy.

In an article in the January/February issue lifetime fitness magazine (which I read religiously when I'm bored in the sauna) I read an interested article that make mention of a book call" why we get fat" the author gary taubes seems to have impressive credentials and if anyone claims to know why we get fat (or why we can't loose the fat) I want to know!

At home with Fernando we googled the talk by Gary taubes

Wow, it really open my eyes! This is an old book it was out in 2011 and his previous book good carb bad carb was out in 2007. I guess I'm just a late adopter and I'm just now hearing it for the first time. I highly recommend you watch this youtube video. I never really understood all the fuzz about the low carbs, paleo diets and like many of you thought Akins diet was suicidal. I wish someone would have explained to me in such simple terms as Gary did in this video years ago.

What I learn from this video are the following conclusions and for supporting arguments/evidences please refer to the book or the video.
1) while calorie in and calorie out is important more important is why our body use the calorie to store it instead of using it ?
2) insulin controls the gate to the fat cells; when insulin levels is high fatty acid goes inside of fat cells and when insulin is low the fatty acid leaves fat cells ( thus reducing the size of fat cell)and the fatty acids can be used as fuel and energy to maintain body functions.
3) as we know, insulin is secreted primary as a respond to high glucose in the blood. High glucose or spike in glucose is caused by eating too much, sweets or refined carbohydrates or other high glycemic food such as white bread, pasta and some fruit such as bananas and grapes.

If those statements are true then if insulin levels are high, even if you are exercising and eating less, your body will not allow you to used store fat. I have said before that I believe in eating in moderation and I don't restrict any type of carb. In other words I believed an calorie is a calorie no matter what and white rice is just as good as brown rice when eating in moderation, under your calorie budget. But now I see that while calorie wise they may be similar the white rice will increase my insulting thus making burning stored fat difficult and facilitate increase of new fat storage

While I'm still going to research more on this subject and will continue to update the readers on my findings I will change my daily routine to test a few hypothesis:

1) I will still count calories with myfitnesspal but starting from tomorrow I will research the glycemic index of all food I put in my mouth and only eat high glycemic index food. In addition I will cut rice, (brown or white) flour and all flour derived products (white and whole wheat), corn, potatoes and all starchy carbs. I'm not saying I will never eat them again (I'm too much in love with food to make that kind of long term commitment) but for this experiment I will do so for 2 weeks at least. Since I'm in the 90 day challenge at lifetime, I will get my body fat accurate measured every week so I should be able to see if this changes anything. I will eat plenty of veggie, mostly lean protein, but I will eat egg yolks and and whole milk product

2) after workout I usually drink 1% milk to replenish carb and protein. I will change it to whole milk or whole yogurt even thought the calorie is higher but glycemic index is lower. Instead of drinking anything with added cane sugar as ingredient (in protein shakes) I will eat a piece of lowglycemic fruit.

3) as far as exercise I will keep it the same so that I can easily compare to previously 7 weeks. Basically I do 7 day cardio for one hour with heart rate between 120-130. I also do 5 sets of push up 3 times a week and strength training 3 times a week rotating from upper and lower body.

4) I will research more about insulin and find out what else triggers insulin secretion in the body and if there is any other triggers for fatty acid movement (in and out of fat cells)

5) I have started to take cla supplement from Costco 3 times a day(2 tablets each) some literature suggest that cla plays a role in helping body burn stored fat with moderate exercise and reduce fat cell size.

6) eat smaller meals and more often to reduce glycemic load and maintain insulin levels constant

This should be an interesting experimentation. I would be happy to report back and share my results. In addition I'm also researching genetic differences between Asian and American population and what should be the ideal diets for optimal health. So stay tune!


  1. Be careful too if you switch over to brown rice. I was just talking about switching from white to brown rice the other day and although it's better for you it also has higher arsenic level.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your experiment's results. =) I'm just trying to eat a more healthy and balanced meal while keeping myself motivated to stay active. But if that works out (which I have a feeling it would) then that will be level 2 planning for me too. Hang in there! Even if you're not losing much actual weight #, it's being more happy, healthy and toned that matters. And remember that muscle weights more than fat so even though you might not be losing actual pounds on the scale...but you're still being more fit! =)

  2. Thanks Annie, I'm not eating brown nor white rice now for the next two weeks to one month for my experiment but thanks for the consumer report article. It is eye opening. It's hard to eat anything these days lol. I will let you know how the experiment goes :)

  3. Great book/video, Amanda. I am glad that he included cortisol among the hormones that causes you to store fat. While insulin has the most affect, cortisol (released when stressed), many believe, causes the body to store more fat. I have also found a Deepak Chopra video about how to meditate to lose weight as well. Check it out at

  4. Yujira, thank you for leaving the comment. No wonder I gain 15 lbs since I started doing real estate :) I was often stressed. But now thanks to my new found freedom I don't feel any stress at all. I'm grateful for it.

  5. I will check out meditation link since I have always like to practice more meditation
