Monday, February 25, 2013

Salmon with passion fruit sauce and kale salad with passion fruitdressing

Myrna read somewhere that passion fruit is good for reducing blood pressure, and since Jose is taking 3 medication to control his blood pressure we decided to see if this natural remedy would help.

I brought a bunch of passion fruit pulps from Fiesta. It is brand Goya and is from Colombia. Passion fruit is known as maracuya or parcha. I remember growing up in Ecuador, Maria used to prepare fresh fruit juice to go with lunch and sometimes she would make passion fruit juice. It has been a long time since i tasted passion fruit. I'm surprised the tartness of this fruit. it is so sour that i think it rivals vinegar. it does have a really intoxicating aroma though. I made way too much sauce so i used some in the kale salad instead of vinegar. It gives the salad a nice twist. I can see a little of this will go a long way ( just like lemon or lime). The flavor of passion fruit reminded me of another tropical fruit that we often consumed in Ecuador call naranjilla. This fruit is more sour then pineapple but less sour then maracuya. We use it to make juice or Quaker (a refreshing drink made of Quaker oatmeal and cinnamon it is like juice but thicker) or we also make a traditional dish call seco de chivo (goat meat stew). May be next time I will try to make seco de chivo with maracuya, I'm sure it will go well :)

Salmon with passion fruit sauce

1) put the salmon skin up in a tray. Add about 1/3 cup of dry white wine and let it soak until the oven is heated 400 degree

2) dry each salmon filet well with paper tower. Brush a thin coat of olive oil and place it in baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake it at 400 for 10 minute. Poke w thickest part of the fish and if it flakes easily its done. It's easy to over cook salmon, try watching it carefully. Take the baking sheet and cover with foil

3) while the fish is baking you can make the sauce. Melt one tablespoon of butter and sauté 1 shallot and 1 clove of garlic for 3 min. Add 1 cup of passion fruit pulp and simmer for 10 minutes. Add 2 tablespoon of honey and remove it from the fire. Add some cilantro. (You can blend it in the blender at this point, it will give a nicer presentation but I omitted this step.)

1 comment:

  1. That's a really unique use of passion fruits! =) I would be interested in whether it helps with Jose's blood pressure. Hopefully it does! Keeping fingers crossed.
