Sunday, February 24, 2013

Shrimp chile relleno with zucchini and mushrooms

Today dinner I made beet salad (recipe in separate post) and shrimp chile relleno with mushroom and zucchini. This dish does that some time to prepare but if you like Mexican food, this is a lighter version that you can make at home without deep frying.

Here are the steps:
1) preheat oven at broiler setting. Put the rack at 6 inches away from the top of the oven. While the oven heats up we can prepare the filling

2) tup 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a big pan. Add 1/2 diced onion and 4 cloves sliced garlic to the pan and cook for a few minute until translucent. Add 1 lb of the cleaned sliced mushroom and a pinch of salt and cook for a few minutes until mushroom browns and some water comes out, add 2 cups of chopped zucchini to the pan . Cook at high heat so the liquid in the pan reduces without burning.

3) at this time the oven should reached the broiler 550 degrees. Use a long tongs and mittens to protect your arm from the heat carefully place the 10 poblano peppers on the rack. Cook it in disturbed for 4 minutes then flip them and cook another 4 minutes. The skin should blister and blacken. Then them out after 8 minutes and put them in a pan. Cover it will foil or plastic wrap. Leave in ere for 5-10 min until it cools down a bit so you can handle them without burning your hand

4) add the shrimp into the pan and stir it for one minute. Turn off the heat. It's ok if shrimp is still half raw because it will cook some more in the oven. Do not over cook now or your shrimp will shrink so much you will need magnify glasses to find them in the end product.

5) pour 2 cup of any kind of tomato sauce in a conning ware that will fit all the peppers snugly. when the peppers have cooled down remove the skim, make a lengthwise incision and remove the seed. Then grab a handful of filling and stuff the peppers and put it in the conning ware.

6) sprinkle and cover the dish with cheese. I use quest fresco, but it didn't melt well, I think next time I will use Monterey Jack cheese. You need about 8 oz to cover the whole dish

7) bake at 350 covered with foil for about 40 minutes. The sauce should bubble and the cheese should be melted

At this time you can cook some rice to go with it, if you want. I use 1 and 1/2 cup jasmine rice with 2 tablespoons of homemade sofrito (i will post this recipe another time) and 2 tablespoon of the tomato sauce, a dash of olive oil, salt and about 1 cup of water and cook it in the rice cooker. This way when your shrimp relleno is ready,the rice will be ready too.

8) after 40 min take it out, let it rest covered for 5 minutes before serving. Fernando and I each ate 2 peppers without the rice, but everyone else had the rice and liked it.

This recipe serves 5 people. (2 chiles per person) and the nutritional value are as follows: 380 calories, 19 g of carb, 20 g of fat, 34 g of protein, 5 g of sugar.

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