Thursday, February 21, 2013

Homemade olive oil mayo and chicken salad

There are so many advantages for making homemade mayonnaise. Let's see:
1) taste 100 times better
2) no weird ingredients
3) you have control over the highest level of ingredients (organic free range eggs from farmers market and olive oil for instance)

Some of you may wonder what to do about storage. Since home made version doesn't have any preservative so you need to use it within a few days. Trick is to make just a little so you will not need to store it for long. It is so yummy you will eat it quickly.

To make the mayo it is so much easier if you have food processor or blender. I have this small Cuisinart since college days. I brought it used from a garage sale for 10 dollars and I have been using it almost every day. Invest in one if you don't have it. You can buy it from target for 30 dollars. It is worth it. I didn't use blender because I didn't want to clean the oily mess afterwards :)

1) separate the egg yolk and egg white and just put the egg yolk in the food processor. Add teaspoon of Dijon muster, juice of 1/2 lemon, some fresh ground pepper, 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Pulse and blend.

2) slowly drizzle 1/2 a cup or 2/3 up of olive oil into the food processor. My food processor has 2 small holes on the cover that allows the oil to come in while it is blending. If yours don't have this feature then may be just use blender. Keep the cover off and drizzle the oil slowly.

3) I use 1/2 of this mayo in chicken salad for lunch, and 1/2 later that night when i made fish tacos :)

Chicken salad:
 This is only 1/2 portion because i forgot to take photo until we all finished. (there were a tiny left over)

1) poach the chicken. This is super easy use a shallow but wide pan and fill may be 2 cup of water, add 1/2 of white wine, one celery, one carrot, a few bay leaves, 1/2 onion, some fresh theme, a few pepper corns (whole) and salt. I like it a bit salty so I put 1 table spoon. put the chicken in and turn low heat, and let it go to a boil very slowly. This will result in a very intense flavored chicken. I use 1 lb of skinless boneless chicken thighs, because I needed to use what I have in the freezer. But i would have prefered chicken breast with bone  or chicken thigh with bone. This is becuse the bones will keep the chicken from shrinking as much thus make the meat more juicy and less tight. Water should just cover the chicken

2) once the chicken is cooked you can take it out and let it cool. You can strain this broth for other applications (such as adding it to the cauliflower pure, or when you steam broccoli, replacing the salt, this broth is very flavorful but too salty to just drink it.)

3) chop the chicken or shred the chicken if you use chicken with bones. put it aside until it cools. In a bowl mixed diced 1 apple, 1/2 cup of celery, 1/4 cup of home made mayo. You can add some walnuts too but i forgot.

4) once the chicken is cool. Mix it all together and enjoy it cold. If you chicken is hot it will melt your mayo and you will end up with a mess. So a little patience is advised.

This recipe will make 4 servings with each serving to be 284 calories, 7 gram carbs, 19 g fat 22 gram of protein and 6 grams of sugar (from the apple mainly)

I paired this with some roasted cauliflower and butternut squash.

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