Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Even better than expected 3rd weight in results (week #2)

I woke up early to go to the gym to get my measurements as part of the 90 day challenge. It has been exactly 2 weeks since I started the challenge and here is my latest results! Drum roll please...

Weight: this week is 128.5, last week was 132.1 that's 3.6 lbs! 2 weeks ago my weight was 134. That is 5.5 lbs in 2 weeks! When I started in January 3rd i weighted 136

Body fat percentage: this week is 28.8 %;last week was 27.8 % and two weeks ago was 31.7. Since the challenge I have lost 2% body fat January 3rd my body fat was 32.8%

Body Measurement wise since January 3 rd
I lost 2.5 inches in my waist, 2 inches in my hip, 2 inches at lower waist (around belly button) I can't wait to try on the black dress I brought from Zara last year that was too tight and see how it fit now

This is also second week of my low carb journey. Except the very first two days, I really feel good and ate delicious nutritious meals that didn't make me feel deprived. Even my old favorite thing rice, has lost it's attraction ;)

Here are some of my observations:

1) dietary fat doesn't translate to body fat. During these last two weeks I tracked meticulously everything that enters my mouth and I can say with certainty that my fat intake (both saturated and unsaturated from plant say coconut oil, or animal say fat on ribeye and butter) did not cause me to gain fat rather I lost fat. Our daily calories from fat is about 55-60, calories from carb is around 17-25 %and protein is 20-28%

2) the meat we eat is exact same amount than before usually 3-4 oz per meal. The difference is the leanness. We now eat fattier meats then before, like thighs, lambs, ribeyes occasionally.

3) I slacked off big time in work out this last week. I only did weights on time as oppose to 3 and my cardio was more lay back like walking or elliptical at easy setting. I totally didn't do any pushups either. That may explain why I lost some weight that wasn't fat... I'm hopping it is water and not muscle, but this week I will refocus on workout. I don't want to loose my precious muscle that I work so hard to get. I'm surprised that despite all I lost 2.6 lbs and 1% body fat. Nutrition and what one eats is really important.

What I will change to my routine and do different this week

Last week I wrote that I want to walk after meals for 15 min and not eat anything before bedtime ( if I'm really hungry I will drink half a cup of warm almond milk, but I hadn't have to all week) the result is I didn't do the walks consistently but I was able to stop snacking before bed.

This week I will continue to not snack before bed or even 3 hr before bedtime and I will also do push-ups on tue, thu and Saturdays so they don't conflict with weight lifting days.

After weight lifting instead of doing one hr regular low heart rate cardio I will do 20 min interval cardio.

I will continue on the low carb diet since I can't see going back to the old way of eating. I do budget for 2 cheat meals per week but so far I have been using just one a week because I don't have any strong cravings.

Lets see if those changes will improve next week numbers!


  1. That's really really awesome Amanda! It's so good to know all your hard work(out) and meal adjustments are paying off. =)

    1. Thank you Annie. After my big celebration meal, I'm heading to the gym now.

  2. Replies
    1. You can do it too! Just try it for a week, keep all ur routines the same but cut out rice pasta corn potatoes and any starchy and increase ur green veggies. You will lose weight too.

  3. And, I don't know what happened, but I can post now!! Yay!! Nice to meet you and your blog, Amanda!! :)

    1. Welcome hoa! Thank you so much for the encouragement. :) feel free to ask me any questions about the blog! I hope some of the recipes help you with your meal planning :)

    2. Definitely! I ate pan fried chicken 4 days last week for dinner. And I bought some spinach this week!

    3. I approve of spinach, they are yum :-9. AND you can buy them pre washed in a box so even better time saver!
