Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Amazing results in my 2nd 90 day challenge weight-in

Today is the second weight in since I started the 90 day challenge at lifetime fitness. When I first signed up for the gym back in the beginning of January I weighted 136 lbs and had a body fat index of 32.7.

Last Tuesday when I started the 90 day challenge my official weight in was 134 lb and body fat was 31.8

Today's official weight in was 132.1 lbs and body fat of 29.8 %! I lost more weight and body fat in the last week then the previous 6 weeks combine! I'm very excited about the result. My goal is to reach 20% body fat and 120 lbs (which was my weight in college). Fernando also promised me to take me to eat at French laundry when I accomplish this goal

Like I have said, my workouts has been pretty much the same since jan 3rd. May be last week I workout just slightly harder and didn't miss any day ( but even before I started the challenge I was working out 5-6 days a week)

I do think this significant progress is due to my diet and directly related from cutting out pasta, rice, starchy veggies. Another change I started was I added cla supplement from Costco last week. I take two capsules with meal 3 times a day.

Before i start on low carb i was already not eating any sugar product and nothing processed, but i was eating moderate amount of rice, pasta and carb with each meal because that is what a balanced meal should be. The first day on low carb I felt pretty sleepy and moody. The second day which was yesterday was equally miserable around 4-7 pm. I had to eat a small amount of whole wheat pasta. But today it's going well so far.

Cla has shown in studies that combined with exercise it help body release fat from fat cells and utilize them. It also shown that it can reduced the size of over stretch fat cells thus reduce belly fat. One literature I read says that it may increase triglyceride in blood so I'm getting my blood work done after I finish my 30 day supply before I repurchased.

It's week I'm going to implements a few changes to my routines
1) 15 min slow pace walk around the house immediately after each meal
2) do not snack before going to bed. Try to go to bed no later then 11 pm (at 12 is when I really star getting hungry) if I'm hungry I will have a small piece of cheese or half a cup of warm almond milk.

I have been reading the " why are we fat" book and it is really eye opening. I will write a book review when I'm done with it.