Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mind over body; why it's important to set goals before stepping into your workouts

Today I did my upper body weights works out at the gym and since I'm doings 6 day 1 hour cardio these days, after my strength training I hopped on the elliptical.

I was pretty tired from the weight lifting so after about 20 minutes on the elliptical I wanted to quit. Have this happen to you? I was looking for all possible excuses to step down from the machine, things like: I already worked out today, I don't think I can do this for an hour, I don't need to do this for an hr, 20 min is better than no cardio, etc. 60 minutes seems a nearly impossible target at this point. This is the reason why it is important to set the goal and reach an agreement with yourself before stepping into your workout. Here is what I mean, if I have not set the reasonable goal of doing cardio every day for 60 minutes and mentally had an agreement with myself then it would be very easy for me to quit at the 20 or 30 min mark because after All I wasn't aiming for anything in particular. You will take the path of lease resistance.

Its important to pick a reasonable achievable goal. I say reasonable goal because I have done this combo of weight lifting and 60 minutes cardio in the past so I know I can do it. I wasn't just picking this goal out of the thin air. However just because it is possible doesn't mean my body doesn't complain and look for excuses to get out of it, lol.

It is very different if you walk in to the gym knowing you have agreed to do 60 min cardio. Your body will still be whining and feel tired and lazy but your head knows there is a target and breaking that commitment you have set without a strong reason (say you feel like you had injured yourself or experience unusual pain not related to the common sore) would be too high of the price to pay. It's funny how we always keep promises and commitments we make to other people but when it comes to ourselves we break those promises all the time without any conscious thoughts. If you are expected to work for 8hrs you don't just go home after 4 hours because you don't feel like it or you feel tired. No, you just suck it up! Then why is it different when it comes to your excercise? I learned the hard way, every time you break a promise with yourself your self respect and self trust will suffer greatly. Your unconsciously deem yourself to be untrustworthy and unreliable and this will slowly become your Identity. Don't you think that is too high of a price to pay? when i think about the consequences of quitting, it gives me reason to continue and ignore my body. After you finish the 60 min, the feeling is incredible. Both your body and mind feel victorious.

I do this in the same way with my weight training. I carry a small notebook with me where I note the type of exercise, reps, sets, weight, heart rate so that next time I can beat my previous record. For example if I'm doing 3 sets of planks then I will write down before I start what I did last time. Last time set 1 I lasted 1:15 set 2 I did 58 sec and set 3 I only lasted 38sec so this time I'm trying to beat my last record. So i write down before i start, i want to shoot for set 1 1:30 set 2 1:15 sec and set 3 1 minute. I still may or may not be able to achieve it but you bet that i will a higher chance of accomplishing the target. the pain and discomfort are more endurable if you can see the end of it. Imagine if I didn't set the goal then I wouldn't know what to aim and thus harder to improve. I may just always stay in my comfort zone and not push harder.


  1. This came just in time. I'm feeling all sore and tired from my walks in the last few days and especially the Scooby counter push-up. If not for seeing your blog I was thinking to skip out today on the push-ups and just do the walks...oops. =P Let's all hang in there!

  2. Annie say if you did 12 push-up last time try to see if you can at lease do 13 this time. You will be surprise how much it will help you. Sometimes even if I set goal I just can't reach it yet because I'm not strong enough or my body is not in right condition. But that's okay. What's important is that honestly you try to put 100%

  3. Hang in there Annie :). I'm also trying to do Scooby's 100 push up routine :). I feel it is a lot like a game and we are just trying to level up! When I first started doing push ups a few years ago I was doing just 10 regular push ups, so I think 12 counter push ups is a good start :).

    1. Thanks Amanda and Fernando! Too bad I ended up with zero exercise last night anyways... *runs away and hide in shame*

      I decided to get a good night's sleep instead after coming home from the movie's and went to bed by 11pm. Then I woke up earlier today and walked 20min on the treadmill to make up for some of it. Tonight I'm going to aim for 1 hour on the treadmill...and then see how many sets of 13 I might be able to accomplish on the counter push ups. Stay tuned...! =)
