Thursday, February 28, 2013

Warm spinach salad with shrimp

This is a quick improvised salad that I made yesterday. This is inspired by the traditional bacon spinach salad. I didn't have bacon but did have about a pound of shrimp in the refrigerator so I just improvised. The result is not bad :-)

First I marinate the shrimp with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, some parsley and chopped some garlic

Then I put 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and heat it at low heat. Cook the garlic until fragrant, then add the shrimps,  you may need to do this in two batches. turn the heat to high and cook it for 2 minutes. These are small shrimps so it doesn't take long. Don't over cook the shrimp. You can undertook a bit since even after you remove it from the pan the residual heat will continue the cooking process.

Put about 8 oz of spinach in a big mixing ball, then add 8 sliced mushrooms, some sliced black olive. Add 2 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar (I use my passion fruit sauce that I made the other day), some muster and mix a dressing. Toss the salad with the shrimp and serve. The warm shrimp will wilt the spinach a little. I served with some avocado.

PS. After cooking the shrimp there is quite a bit of liquid in the pan. I save it to make shrimp rice. 1 lb was too much shrimp for Fernando so I use half of the shrimp for the rice. To make the rice, I put 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the same pan, then I add about 1 once of chopped prosciutto, or any cured ham (Sometimes Central Market sell ends of prosciutto for at half of the price, we I see them, i buy a few and use them for cooking) then I add 2 tablespoon of sofrito and 1 cup of rice. Then I add the liquid from cooking the shrimp and complete the rest with chicken broth so I had 1 and 3/4 cup of liquid. I add the liquid to the rice, let it boil, covered and cooked for 10 minute at medium low heat, then mix the rice, turn the heat to the lowest setting for another 10 minutes. When the rice is done. I add in the shrimps and mix it well.

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