Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2/13/2013 dinner Puerto Rican style pork tenderloin and rice/beans

Tonight's dinner is the same we had yesterday which is Puerto Rican style pork tenderloin with rice and bean. Puerto Ricans like Cubans really eat quiet a bit of pork. Rice and beans are on everyone's table every day. My mother in law myrna tells me that her mother used to cook rice and beans every day when she was growing up. Myrna made the beans so I will have to ask her for the recipe but I can share with you the pork tenderloin I made.

Pork tenderloin is surprisingly low in fat and delicious so you can eat it without guilt

1) wash the tenderloin and pat it dry with paper towel (we prepared 2 large tenderloins)

2) use small food processor and mix about 10 cloves of garlic, olive oil,salt, paper,fennel seed, oregano and juice of a lemon. Chop all in the food processor

3) massage this mixture on the tenderloin with your hands (using latex gloves). Make sure you cover everywhere. Massage for may be 3 - 5 minutes and leave it marinating if you can for a while (if you are in a rush go straight to next step

4) put the meat in a deep conning ware or baking dish and cover it with aluminum foil and put it into 350 degree pre heated oven like 45 min

5) keep it covered for about 10 minutes after u remove it from oven then slice and serve

4.3 oz of the tenderloin is only 188 calories pair this with 1/2 cup of rice and 1/4 cup of homemade pinto beans will be 352 calories. I'm eating it tonight with some dessert (yogurt with berry and honey)  Bon appetite !

1 comment:

  1. What a great discovery, I never would've thought pork ANYTHING would be low in calories. =) Awesome instructions and beautiful photo again, thank you for sharing!
