Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2/13/2013 10 min lunch

Today I made a super simple and quick lunch for Fernando and I and it took only 10 min. Here is the menu:
Rosemary lemon chicken with sauté baby spinach and quinoa with toasted almond and parsley

Here is what I did:
1) I have 1 pk (lb) chicken breast from Costco sliced in half to reduce the thickness. I marinade it in some olive oil and one small or half large fresh lemon juice and some chopped rosemary. I also add salt and ground garlic. You can add fresh garlic. We ate that yesterday so I marinade it yesterday. You can keep the marinade for up to 24 hrs. If you don't plan to eat it all its good idea to cook them and store them in containers so you don't have it out in the fridge for more than 24 hr

2) I brush a bit of olive oil in t small pan and hen the pan is hot but not smoking add the chicken and cover. then lower heat to medium and cook for 1:30 min until browned

3) turn the chicken breast and add 1/2 cup of white wine. I like this one in the photo from Italy it's a good inexpensive wine for cooking. Suitable for drinking too but I don't like white wine so I use only for cooking. Cover and cook for another 2 min

4) in the mean time heat up the quinoa with one teaspoon of chopped almonds and dry parsley in microwave for 1 min

5) take the chicken out and put it in the plate with the quinoa then fill the pan with as much spinach you can possible fit and cover. Turn the spinach once or twice so it's wilted. No need for additional water or oil. The spinach will get a nice flavor from the brown bits of the chicken and wine

6) add to the plate and serve. Drink 2 8 oz water with the meal and I guarantee its a satisfying meal.

According to myfitnesspal app the calories are 281.  This is a simple meal and its nothing fancy but quick and filling.  If you have to cook quinoa from scratch it will add another 10 min. I cook 1 cup of quinoa and that is enough for Fernando and I to eat for 2 days. To cook quinoa wash quinoa and put 1 cup of quinoa in 1 and 3/4 cup of water with a pinch of salt then boil it after boiling turn to low heat and cook covered for 20 min. Once done you can add fresh parsley or drive parsley or shredded carrots green onions or just plain is fine.

If you work you don't have to cook fresh meal every meal. Just cook all the chicken and quinoa and spinach following same process just increase quantity and put them in small plastic containers and take 2 to work. One for lunch another for 2nd lunch 3 hrs later. If you are hungry.  I always make Fernando's 3 pm snack and since I'm home I make something different then lunch but if you don't have the time eating the same beats eating sugary snacks.


  1. It was quite tasty :D! Thank you baby :)

  2. That looks really good and do-able. Do you think I might be able to do the same marinate and cooking method (wine etc) with a block of firm tofu?

    1. I Think it may work. Try lower the heat and let it simmer and let the flavor soak in. We will have to try it one day. I have a North African curry recipe which I think it will work with firm tofu instead of chicken and serve with couscous or quinoa is Oishi! I will post it soon
